Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming?
Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming?

  1. #Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? install
  2. #Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? full
  3. #Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? pro
  4. #Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? mac

I just don’t see those kinds of folks moving over to OS X on Macs. That way they have complete control over every piece of hardware, and they can replace components whenever they wish to do so. It seems to me that serious gamers who want to get every last ounce of power out of their computers will almost always want to build their own machine.

#Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? mac

They are a niche market, even in Windows, and I am not even sure how many of them would buy a Mac designed for gaming even if one were available right now. More at Cult of Mac Hard-core gamers are still a niche market even in WindowsĪs much as I’d like to see Macs with better GPUs for gaming, I’m not at all certain that it’s worth the effort on Apple’s part to go after hard-core gamers. All they have to do is just support Razor’s external GPU through OS X, and say ’Hey, we got you covered, you small annoying group of users who can’t understand why so many good games are now available for the first time ever, and why even more confusingly, Apple no longer supports them with hardware. What they should do is accept that this is a niche market which they don’t want to serve, but still a growing percentage of their customers who are willing to pay more to do what they want anyway. But when all is said and done, they’re not going to do anything that tarnishes the physical beauty of their machines. I’ve bitched about that very thing over and over.

#Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? install

Should they build something unapologetically ‘ugly’ in their eyes, that allow people who are nerdy enough to install their own hardware in a PCIx slot? Possibly. It would also result in much better Macs as they offload some processing to the GPU.”īrian Emershaw: “Should Apple build a gaming PC? Probably not. I am also one that might go hackintosh if Apple can’t deliver a better GPU for games. Kael: “The GPU is the one big thing that Apple really has dropped the ball on. However I would kiss Tim Cook’s feet if he gave me a Mac that could do both.”

should i bootcamp my mac for gaming?

My iMac and my Mac mini will then be for every other type of computing I do (iOS Dev / email / writing / website design / watching movies / listening to music etc).

#Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? full

I swore I’d never have another PC in the house after I switched in 2007, however now I’m considering a dedicated Gaming PC so I can run my sim’s in triple super wide screen at full detail / resolution. So Apple finally having a desktop Mac that can / does support Nvidia (because of drivers) SLI in bootcamp and in OS X would dominate both markets. The ‘hardcore gaming crowd’ is about the ONLY CROWD that’s keeping the PC industry afloat (bulk dell dumb stations aside). GreenGirl: “With all due respect that’s rubbish. Also, I just want to point out that VR itself is going to be a niche gaming activity for a while to come.” Jchavez: “The hardcore gaming crowd might be too niche for Apple, but I can’t see why they would ignore the larger market of casual gamers like myself, who would be satisfied with even something you’d find on the medium to lower end of Razer’s lineup just to be able play most games on medium spec. But they can supposedly compete with an R9 290x. Not good for its price mind you, you pay about 4x that of an equivalent gaming desktop. Jonen: “Some benchmarks I've seen claim its a pretty solid performer. KillianBell: “It's not enough because of the GPUs.”

#Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming? pro

Mac Mcintire: “Would a casual gamer spend $6,000 for a gaming computer?”ĭiego: “Those guys spend up to $30000 for a gaming pc.”īigfoot Expert: “Is the mac pro considered a good gaming computer? or is it not good enough?” So, it’s weird…my old Mac pro 2009 can load the maps faster…but even at max rez on the cards they give us…it never looks as good as it does on a PC.”

should i bootcamp my mac for gaming?

my maps load faster than PCs and I’m usually killing the PC guys at the beginning of a round before they’ve even drawn their weapon. Not sure if I need Oculus level graphics…but the Mac has always lagged in graphics (display)performance on games. NG4: “I would give serious thought to shelling out extra cash for a Mac that gamed on par with PCs. I’ll share my own thoughts below, but here’s a sample of what Cult of Mac readers thought about Apple creating a Mac for gaming: There were also some interesting points made by Cult of Mac readers in the article’s discussion thread.

Should i bootcamp my mac for gaming?